Fundraising Events 101

Today on the Short Stories podcast we discuss fundraising events.

Fundraising events can lead to reliable revenue for nonprofit organizations. They can also generate excitement, engage volunteers, and even attract a broader community of supporters than an organization is used to.

But there’s a lot to consider. Are events worth the effort? What’s better, virtual, in-person, or hybrid events? How can organizations brainstorm ideas?

Our guest Angela Caron shares her expertise as a successful event professional. 

Angela has a passion for creating amazing event experiences and bringing donors together with the causes they help support. She believes that event planning isn’t just about throwing a great party, but instead supporting a beneficial cause. Angela is the Events Director at the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba and also does freelance event planning work. Her experience includes years of planning, executing and managing high-level events in both an academic and nonprofit setting. Angela is also an avid volunteer with the Winnipeg Humane Society, and is a former board member of the Event Professionals of Manitoba.